
Lending The Valley Project A Hand In Bradford

06 October 2023

In conjunction with the on-going works in Bradford City Centre, it’s been a pleasure to provide the Valley Project with not only expert advice, but additionally the plant, labour, and materials needed prior to them taking delivery of a new toilet block. The Valley Project provides safe outdoor spaces for children and young people to meet, play, and develop socially, emotionally, and physically!

It's no secret that we constantly strive to make a positive impact wherever our work takes us, and lend a helping hand where we can. We began by volunteering over four days, preparing the site by scraping off the existing soiled area and retained the soil to reuse onsite. We then excavated five strip foundations prior to concreting, as well as installing new drainage connections into an existing sewer. We rounded off the work by adding gravel to the footpath areas.

We know we say it a lot, but being able to volunteer our services to help worthy causes wherever possible is a huge deal for us. We’re thrilled to know that the work we’ve done in Bradford will allow children around the area to enjoy a safe space they can call their own.

For a look at more of the fantastic work the Valley Project do, head over to their website here.

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